Sunday 4 October 2020

Super-sized, super cheesy, cheese scones

So I was about to start baking and hubby says: “if you’re doing cheese scones can you do me at least one big one? Sorry just not a fan of the little ones you’ve made recently.”

So what’s a girl to do in response to that...?!

Well basically...THIS! 

I make cheese scones fairly regularly but these are my best yet. Quite a few little additions but I really turned the volume up flavour-wise.  It’s a scaled up variation on a basic recipe from the Be-Ro book but with Some extras to bring out the flavour in the cheese. 


700g self-raising flour 

1/2tsp salt

1/2tsp white pepper 

1/2tsp onion granules

1tsp dried thyme 

1/2tsp smoked paprika 

1/4tsp freshly grated nutmeg

100g butter/margarine 

300g grated Red Leicester

6 eggs beaten

180ml milk


1 egg beaten with 60ml milk

100g grated Red Leicester 


1) Pre-heat oven roasted 200*C

2) thoroughly mix the seasoning ingredients with the flour so all the flavours are well distributed throughout 

3) rub the butter into the flour

4) add the 300g cheese and mix in well 

5) beat the eggs and milk together and add to the dry ingredients and mix well to bring together as a slightly sticky dough. Try not to overwork the mixture otherwise you’ll get tough scones 

TIP: add the egg and milk mixture a bit at a time as you mix it into the flour mixture. The original recipe used only 4 eggs but I couldn’t get it to come together with that as it was far too dry so add the wet mix as needed rather than all in one go. 

6) turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface or one lined with clingfilm (which is my preference, less messy and avoids adding more flour making the mixture too dry) 

7) gently roll out the mixture to around 2-3cm thick then cut out circles using a lightly floured cutter and place onto a lined baking tray

8) brush the tops of the scones with the remaining egg and milk mixture then top with grated cheese from the 100g

9) bake for 13-15 minutes till they’ve risen slightly and the cheese is melted and golden 

10) Cool on a wire rack or enjoy them still warm from the oven. Serve with butter