Monday 30 December 2013

ham and egg fried rice

Quick easy and tasty. Not to mention its's made with  ingredients almost exclusively from the store cupboard and freezer. High in veg and protein low in fat.

I made this for tea this evening and my husband was adimant it must be unhealthy as it tasted so good so I got to smugly tell him that it was actually pretty healthy.  For quantities use equal amounts of frozen veg to the cooked rice. The stir fry sauce is actually less calorific than you'd think with a whole one only being 2.5 syns on slimming world.

2 tsp olive oil
Basmati rice
1 onion sliced
frozen mixed peppers
frozen peas
frozen sweetcorn
eggs beaten
Cooked ham, cubed
soy sauce
Sachet blue dragon black bean stir fry sauce

1. Cook the basmati rice as per packet instructions. I personally use 2 parts water to 1 part rice. Bring to the boil, clamp on a lid and turn the heat down to the lowest possible then leave it to absorb the liquid for 15-20 mins.
2. In the meantime, fry the onion until soft in half the oil, add the frozen veg and cook on high to drive off the excess liquid.
3. remove the veg from the pan and add the remaining oil on a high heat cook the eggs stiring frequently until almost cooked.
4. Add the cooked rice and stir fry on a high heat. Add the veg and ham stiring frequently.
5. Add the soy sauce and sachet of stir fry sauce to your tastes. Stiring in until all the rice Is coated. Once everything is hot through serve.

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