Sunday 8 June 2014

Chorizo and courgette frittata

Chorizo and courgette frittata
Serves 4

4 eggs
1 courgette grated
6 chestnut mushrooms chopped
1 red pepper, diced
1 yellow pepper, diced
1 ring chorizo, diced
3 spring onions, chopped
100g grated cheddar
200g crumbled feta
Pinch oregano
1tsp smoked paprika

1. Pre-heat your grill
2. In a non-stick pan gently fry the chorizo until the oils have rendered out and the chorizo is crispy
3. Add the mushrooms and cook down until golden
4. Add the other veg and cook until all the liquid has evaporated and the veg has started to colour
5. Add the cheddar, feta, oregano and paprika to the eggs
6. Pour the eggs into the veg and chorizo in the pan and quickly stir to mix everything together then turn down the heat
7. Gently cook until the frittata is mostly cooked through and set
8. Put the pan under the grill on high to set the top and get the cheese on the surface bubbly and golden (careful if your pan has a plastic handle like mine so keep it out if the heat)
9. Slice and serve

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