Wednesday 11 February 2015

Potato and pea curry with a surprising sauce

It's been a while since I've posted anything new but thought this one deserved a mention.

I've recently joined Slimming World and am getting back into my groove culinarily speaking so I'm going to post as often as I can.

I've heard lots of recipes for soups at my SW group that involve blending tins of things and it got me wondering, could I use blended tinned products to make a nice curry sauce as much as I enjoy tomato based curry sauces I het bored of them as I'm a korma girl at heart. Let me stress, this isn't a korma or anything close but it's a nice change to the very tomatoey curries I've had of late.

This recipe involves very Anglo ingredients and not really any special shopping trips and is done in 30 mins flat!

And I just realised this recipe is not only vegetarian but vegan too!

Serves 4:

Curry paste ingredients:
1/2 large onion chunked
1 tin baked beans
1/2 tin chickpeas drained
2-3tbsp curry powder of choice

2 floury potatoes peeled and diced
1/2 onion chopped
2 carrots chopped into thin slices
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
1 cup frozen peas


1.  Put the chunked  onion in the food processor and blitz
2.  Put the beans, chickpeas and curry powder in with the onion and blend until mostly smooth.

That's your curry paste made!

3.  Spray a large pan with fry lite and cook the chopped onion till tender on a low-medium heat.
4.  Add the potatoes and carrots, cook for a couple of minutes until the potato starts to catch on the pan a little.
5.  Add the peppers, peas and paste. Cook stirring a bit, then add water to thin it a bit until you're happy with it. Bear in mind a little will cook off.
6.  Bring to the boil and simmer with a lid on for 20 mins stirring occasionally or until the potatoes are tender. Serve.

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