Saturday 8 February 2014

Blueberry, banana and cinnamon pancakes - no flour, no dairy, no sugar, no fat!

I promise these taste a million times better than they look. They are totally gluten free, dairy free, sugar free and no fat either. In short they are fruit, eggs and cinnamon. Sounds like a fruit omelette right? I suppose to a point they are. And for all that doesn't sound very appealing, these are so worth a go.

Serves 2

3 really ripe bananas (the blacker the skin the better as they are much sweeter and less starchy)
3 eggs
1 punnett blueberries
1-2 tsp ground cinnamon

1. Peel and Mash the bananas in a bowl
2. Beat in the eggs until thoroughly combined. This is your batter.
3. Add the cinnamon and blueberries and whisk in.
4. Preheat a non stick pan on a very low heat and add the batter 2 spoonfuls at a time. Only put about 3 pancakes in at a time. You need room to turn them.
5. Once bubbles start to appear on the surface

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