Sunday 23 February 2014

Butternut squash and spinach rotolo

I decided to give this one a go as it's veggie and pretty substantial. And I have to say it made an excellent Sunday dinner. Took a while to make as I had to wait for the squash to roast in the oven but it was well worth it!  Another recipe my hubby loved. I reckon this would be good for having friends round as you could make it in advance, bung it in the fridge then cook it off when everyone arrives.

I didn't have any fresh pasta so instead I used dried lasagne sheets but I softened them in boiling water for a few minutes then laid them out on grease proof spritzed with fry light. Careful they don't stick together.

I didn't have a big enough butternut squash but I had a large sweet potato kicking around and so i roasted this off at the same time and mashed them together and it worked a treat.

I also tweaked the spinach bit by adding some fresh mint and lots of freshly grated nutmeg. I didn't bother adding the Parmesan to each of the rolls. I just put plenty on top.

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