Sunday 6 September 2020

Spicy Egg Parcel (breakfast/brunch/lunch/dinner/midnight munchies!) (V)

 Spicy Crispy Egg Parcel (breakfast/brunch/lunch/dinner/midnight munchies!) 

Serves 1


I promise these look trickier than they are to make. Also, nice to have a veggie cooked breakfast to draw on especially if you’ve got lovely vegetarians in your life. 

Looking in the fridge today trying to decide what on earth I wanted for breakfast/lunch and just started grabbing stuff and decided to just play and see what I could come up with. Pretty chuffed with the eventual product. I’d say it was a successful experiment! 


1tsp max cooking oil

1/4 diced red pepper 

1 chopped spring onion

3 medium eggs beaten

Pinch each of smoked paprika, dried chilli flakes, dried oregano, salt and pepper 

40g finely grated cheese (I used Red Leicester)

Wheat flour tortilla wrap 

Sriracha (to your taste)

Non stick pan

Greaseproof/baking paper


Fry off a little diced red pepper and chopped spring onions in very very little oil (if you use too much you risk being burned later) in a good non stick frying pan. Meanwhile beat 3 eggs and add a pinch each of smoked paprika, dried chilli flakes and dried oregano, salt and pepper, mix up and pour the eggs over the veggies and tilt the pan so the whole base of the pan is coated in egg, sprinkle over about half the grated cheese and once the eggs look about half cooked, lay on a tortilla wrap. Press down gently so the Runny egg and melty cheese sticks to the wrap. When you can jiggle the pan and the egg slides around you know it’s cooked enough to do this next bit. TURN OF THE HEAT! We don’t want anyone starting fires. Lay a piece of greaseproof paper over the top of the pan and put a plate face down on the paper. Can you see where this is going??? This is why it was important not to use too much oil! Keeping a hand firmly on the plate, invert the pan so the egg and wrap are now sitting on the plate and greaseproof. Put the plate to one side for a moment and put the pan back on the heat. Add a little sprinkle of cheese directly into the pan, and slide the wrap and egg back into the pan, wrap side down, this way you’ll get really crispy cheesiness on the outside of the parcel. Then sprinkle a little more cheese on the egg, fold up the sides of the wrap with a spatula/fish slice. And cook, turning every now and again until the tortilla wrap and the cheese that’s stuck to the outside of it, is crispy and golden. Serve with a drizzle of sriracha. 

You could add any veg you like to this but just make sure it’s not too veg-heavy or the egg won’t hold together and go crispy and you’ll end up with a soggy wrap. A bit of bacon or cooked chicken would be nice in this too but I was working with what we had and sometimes I just fancy meat free. 

I can imagine this being really nice late night after you’ve been out for a few drinks but you MUST remember the two key safety steps:

!! Use hardly any oil or you’ll get scalded!!

!! Turn off the heat before placing the greaseproof on top of the pan or you’ll start a fire!!

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