Sunday 5 January 2020

Slow Cooker Dump Bags

Really should uploaded this last week especially seeing as it was so popular Facebook. Came across an idea on Pinterest and thought I’d give them a go.  A couple of hours work for a couple of weeks of dinners. All you need is some decent ziplock bags/Tupperware, plenty of room in your freezer and that coolest of contraptions - the Slow Cooker.  You stick them in the freezer then just pull them out the night before to defrost then dump in the slow cooker with any extra ingredients like tinned tomatoes or mushroom soup etc. Should make dinners even easier through the week plus most of the veggies in them are already frozen so cost pennies.

A few things to note:

1) I used mostly already frozen veg. Quicker and easier otherwise I’d have to blanch stuff before freezing. And all the meat was raw. Chicken was frozen raw chicken breasts.
2) I googled crock pot dump bags for ideas
3) ingredients are written on the bags but I did them by eye so no quantities I’m afraid.
4) the bags I’m using are from Ikea but any good zip lock bag or indeed Tupperware would work.
5) it’s the first time I’ve done this so not sure how they’ll all turn out but thought I’d give it a go.

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