Tuesday 20 August 2013

Day 7 - Roasted Med Veg Cous Cous and Grilled Halloumi

I devised this to use up the half of the veggies that I marinaded last night but didn't cook.  When I asked my other half what he thought of this he said "Delicious!"  High praise indeed seeing as how the level of feedback is usually "fine", "good" or "alright".  However, my husband did qualify this with "That's the difference between men and women.  When a man says good he means good.  When a woman says good she means: Good ... but...".

Veg marinaded as per the Roasted Veg Pasta
1 cup cous cous
1 1/2 cups boiling water
1 pack halloumi cheese
 serve with jalepino humous

1) Pre-heat oven to 200*C
2) Roast the vegetables in the oven for 30 minutes until slightly golden
3) slice the halloumi to about the thickness of a pound coin
4) Grill the halloumi using either a George Foreman Grill, a griddle pan or a dry frying pan until blistered and golden
5) Put the cous cous in a large bowl, pour over the boiling water
6) Cover the bowl with cling film and leave for 5 minutes
7) Once 5 minutes have passed  remove the film and fluff the couse cous with a fork
8) Add the roasted veg and stir through
9) Pile the cous cous onto the plate, top with the slices of halloumi and a spoonful of the humous

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