Tuesday 20 August 2013

Day 7 - Veggie Packed, Packed Lunch - Broccoli, Pasta, Pesto and Peas

Who doesn't like a pasta salad for lunch?  This one was super easy and really flavourful and totally mayo free but not at all dry.

1 head of broccoli (broken into florets)
1 cup frozen peas
1 cup dried pasta
pinch of salt
1/2 pack feta

For the dressing:
1tbsp green pesto
1tbsp olive oil
1tbsp balsalmic vinegar

1) Fill a large pan with boiling water and add a little salt
2) Add the broccoli florets
3) Fill a large bowl with really cold water
4) Pour the frozen peas in thebowl of cold water (this helps chill the water but defrosts the peas)
5) Once the broccoli is just tender, fish it out of the water with a slotted spoon and plunge straight into the icy water
6) Add the pasta to the boiling water and boil until tender
7) Once al-dente, fish the pasta out of the water and plunge into the cold water
8) Once everything is very cold, pour the contents of the bowl into a collander to drain
9) In the big bowl you've just emptied add the ingredients for the dressing and whisk together
10) Add the pasta and veggies back to the bowl and toss in the dressing until thoroughly coated
11) Serve topped with crumbled feta.

NB: This makes 4 servings of lunch (so 2 days worth for my household of 2)

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