Friday 16 August 2013

Fresh Start Fresh Flavours

So ... I find myself on here trying to find an appropriate forum for a new challenge I'm setting myself.  Rather than bombarding everyone I know on Facebook with daily updates on what my diet consists of I thought I'd give everyone a break and set up this Blog so only those who are genuinely interested see the recipes and ideas I'm keen to share.

I recently got married (2 weeks ago actually) and moved home (one week ago) ... I know I don't do things by halves do I?!  Anyhoo ... Looking at my lovely wedding pics and realising that I have to live with being overweight in those pics for the rest of my life I've decided that I'd rather do something about it retrospectively rather than let it define my future married life.  Also, if I ever want the pitter patter of little feet I need to address my health which is rather more important.

My new home has a much bigger kitchen with room for all my recipe books so I got a chance to dig them out and go through them, and after ordering a takeaway curry the day after we moved in I came to a realisation - how much flavour can you add to food without adding extra fat and sugar?!  Granted takeaways are usually greasy but really it doesn't have to be.  Does it?! 

So I've decided to set myself a little challenge.  FRESH START FRESH FLAVOURS.  So I'm going to try and add as much taste to my food without adding too much fat, sugar or salt and see how it goes. 

My new husband enjoys most things but has a few foods he's not a fan of so I've found myself in a bit of a rutt cuilinarily speaking for quite a while.

In the past I would ask him what he wants for tea/dinner.  The usual response was "food".  Helpful eh?  My next question would be "pasta, rice or potatoes?"  Very imaginative.  This has left my diet very firmly based on carbs and restricted the kinds of things I would cook.

So from now on I'm thinking less about which bulk/carb to build my meals around and rather: What flavours do I want?  What textures do I want?

So far my efforts have gone down a storm so we'll see how this little experiment pans out and how far I can get with it.  I've always found these kind of things tricky to stick to but this is less about a weight loss diet and more about an adventure in the kitchen which is after all my favourite place to be.  So let's see where this goes.  Fingers crossed.  Xxx

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