Tuesday 14 January 2014

Butternut squash pasta bake

I had tons and I do mean tons of the soup leftover so decided to use it to make a nice healthier pasta bake. Lots less cheese but much more flavour.

Serves 8 (this made two whopping big pasta bakes)

Leftover soup from the previous recipe
Handful of chopped mushrooms
500g dried macaroni or similar pasta
Mature cheddar grated (around 2 matchboxes size)

1. Pre-heat oven to 220•C. Heat up the soup. Once simmering add the mushrooms and pasta.
2. Stir regularly and simmer for 10 mins until the pasta has swollen.
3. Once the pasta has pretty much doubled in size, pour it all into 2 lasagne dishes
4. Top with the grated cheese (at this point allow one bake to cool and once cold pop it in the freezer).
5. Bake for 15-20 mins until the cheese is bubbling

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