Friday 17 January 2014

Sweet potato and chickpea balti

I've just served up a really punchy veggie curry and my wonderful husband just said to me that he's happy we're eating less meat. And I started telling him how not only is it healthier but a damned sight cheaper.  And the more I think about it the more sense it makes to me. I can go to my local green grocer and spend £5 and I walk out  with my arm aching with a big bag full of healthy veg of every kind and usually seasonal. Or I can blow that fiver on 2 chicken breasts from battery farmed chickens.  Conclusion? More veg! Less meat! I'm never gonna go veggie altogether it's not in my nature but I'm seeing my meat as more of a treat.

2 small red onions sliced
1 large sweet potato peeled and diced
1/4 jar Balti paste
1 can chickpeas
2 handfuls of fresh spinach

1. Dry fry onions and once softened, add the sweet potato and dry fry until it starts to catch on the bottom of the pan.
2. Add the balti paste and cook for 2 mins.
3. Add the chickpeas including the water in the tin and bring to the boil.
5. Simmer for 15 mins then add the spinach. Put the lid on the pan and let it simmer for a further 5 mins until the spinach has wilted. Then stir everything together and serve with rice.

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