Tuesday 21 January 2014

Risotto primeviera

I've not given quantities below except for the oil as it depends on how many portions you're making. Estimate about 75g dried rice per person but follow the instructions on the packet about how much liquid you need. Also, you want about a third of the volume of the finished dish to be veg so best do it by eye.

Risotto rice
1tsp olive oil
Oxo veg cubes
Boiling water
Crushed garlic
Onion finely chopped
Frozen peas
Frozen broad beans
Frozen spinach
Grated Parmesan

1. Heat the oil and gently sweat the onions until translucent and soft.
2. Add the rice and stir well until slicked with the oil
3. Add the garlic and stir through.
4. Make up the stock using the oxo cubes in a jug with boiling water
5. Gradually add the stock, stirring well in between additions (approx. a ladle full). Wait for each ladle full of stock to be fully absorbed  before adding the next one.
6. Once all the stock has been used add the veg and simmer until everything is piping hot.
7. Serve with a sprinkle of finely grated Parmesan.

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